Books For Sale
Winston Roots, Vol. 1: Stories of an Alabama County
Winston Roots, Vol. 2: Marriages Index Records of an Alabama County
Winston Roots, Vol. 3: Early Pioneers and Settlers of an Alabama County
Winston Roots, Vol. 4: Early Pioneers and Settlers of an Alabama County
From Sage Brush to 911, How Haleyville, Alabama Began
Fallen Fortress: A True Story of the Training and Survival of a Downed B-17 Pilot
First Alabama Cavalry, USA: Homage to Patriotism
Heartbreak of a Civil War Widow: Life of Sarah Harper McWhirter
Southerners in Blue: They Defied the Confederacy
Taylor Tales: A Collection of Stories About the Descendants of John and Eliza Taylor
Unionists in the Heart of Dixie: 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV, Volume I (Surnames A-G)
Unionists in the Heart of Dixie: 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV, Volume II (Surnames H-M)
Unionists in the Heart of Dixie: 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV, Volume III (Surnames N-S)
Unionists in the Heart of Dixie: 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV, Volume IV (Surnames T-Z)
Unionists in the Heart of Dixie, Volume V (Supplement A)
Unionists in the Heart of Dixie (Index to Vols. 1-4)
Wilson Bend
Winston County WWI Draft Card Abstracts
Winston County, Alabama Cemeteries, Vol. 1
Winston County, Alabama Cemeteries, Vol. 2
Winston County, Alabama Confederate Soldiers
Winston County, Alabama Files from the Southern Claims Commission
Winston County, Alabama Newspaper Clippings (1886 - 1900)
Winston County, Alabama Newspaper Clippings (1901 - 1908)
Winston County, Alabama Newspaper Clippings (1909 - 1914)
Winston County, Alabama Newspaper Clippings (1915 - 1922)
Winston County, Alabama: News from Western Winston (1901 - 1961)
Please note that prices listed for the books may be out of date. Check with the author or publishing company, if not available online, for current price.
Robin Sterling, a compiler of historical documents, has published books on several Alabama counties containing newspaper, military, cemetery, and other items. All of his Winston County books are listed in the table below. For more counties, visit his bookstore.