James A. Bennett Obituary

From The Mountain Eagle, February 7, 1912
Submitted by Robin Sterling

James A. Bennett Dies of Pneumonia. Mr. James A. Bennett, excellent well known citizen of near Falls City, died at his home Wednesday night, after an illness of nine days of pneumonia. The first symptoms of the attack was a chill he was seized with while engaged in writing a letter nine days to the hour before his death. The burial took place at the family burying ground near the home of deceased, and after the religious services, the masons and Odd Fellows, the deceased having been a member in good standing of both orders, took charge and concluded the ceremonies. The deceased was an uncle of Mr. R. Marvin Ellis, of this city, and a brother of Mr. Jesse L. Bennett, of Beat 3. He was well known among the Old Harp singers of this and Winston counties, among whom he was a leader. He leaves a family—all grown. [J.A. Bennett, 27 Aug 1845 – 29 Jan 1912; buried Bennett Cemetery]

From The Mountain Eagle, December 4, 1912
Submitted by Robin Sterling

Tribute of Respect to Jesse L. Bennett. Laman Chapel Lodge No. 723, A.F. & A.M. With great sorrow we learn of the death of our beloved brother, Jesse L. Bennett, who departed this life August 28, 1912. Brother Bennett was born February 23, 1839, initiated into the mysteries of free Masonry in the hall of Houston Lodge No. 365, March 14, 1870; passed August 13, 1870, and raised January 13, 1871. He demitted from that Lodge on October 4, 1876, and when the death angel summoned him to that celestial lodge above he was a true and faithful member of this lodge. Whereas, The Great and Supreme Ruler of the Universe has seen fit to remove from among us, Brother Bennett, and Whereas, The discharge of his duty and his kind counsel has done so much for the uplift of humanity make it eminently befitting that we record our appreciation of him. Therefore, be it resolved, That his service in the way of kind counsel and contribution for the betterment of humanity will be held in grateful remembrance. Resolved, That the sudden removal of such a life from among our midst leaves a vacancy and a shadow that will be deeply realized by all the friends of masonry and will prove a serious loss to the community at large. Resolved, that we as Masons will strive to live so that when we shall have come to the end of life’s toilsome journey and from our grasp shall drop forever the working tools of life, may we all meet in that Lodge above where the Grand Architect of the Universe shall be the supreme Grand Master. Resolved, That a copy of this be spread on the minutes of this Lodge and a copy sent to the family of the deceased and a copy sent to the Mountain Eagle for publication. H.G. Corbin, J.H. Anderson, and W.D.J. Spears, Committee.
