Tuesday, January 17, 2017
The Winston County Genealogical Society met at the Winston County Archives in Double Springs.
I. Minutes:
- Minutes from the last meeting were read.
- Pat Owsley made a motion to approve the minutes as read.
- Treva seconded and the motion carried.
II. Treasurer’s Report:
- Beginning Balance: $2,409.39
- Deposits: $937.06
- Checks: $202.75: $92.65 to Cindy/UPS Store for newsletter printing; $62.10, USPS, newsletter mailing; & $48.00, USPS, post office box renewal
- Ending Balance: $3,143.70
III. Old Business:
- Joan White Crittenden mentioned in an e-mail to us that she would be willing to pay for a marker or fencing for the newly discovered Hood Cemetery. Ronald said that it was on forest property, but P.J. mentioned the markers Rayford Hyatt placed throughout the forest. We will let Mrs. Crittenden know what we find out, as we need more information before proceeding.
IV. New Business:
- We received a revenue check from Lulu for $52.06.
- Deputy Brian Kirkpatrick brought in photos of Crant Berry-era moonshine still photos.
- Family History Spotlight for this month is on Millwood.
- Joann Martin made a $50 donation recently.
- Treva saw an episode of Absolutely Alabama on a book that has postcards from all over Alabama. After checking, the book costs $24.95. P.J. made a motion to purchase the book, Pat Owsley seconded, and the motion carried.
- Andrew Miller, author and writer for the Economist magazine has contacted P.J. He is meeting P.J. and Ronald Thursday night to discuss the political history from the "free state" period and how the county was mainly pro-Trump. Pat Owsley also suggested contacting a history school teacher.
- Recent donations include Robin Sterling’s latest newspaper book from Guntersville between 1901 and 1908; Dianne Miller donated Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society Vol. 3, Publications of the Alabama Historical Society 1897-1898, and Reminisces of Big I; also various newsletters are in.
- Dianne has been in contact with Randy Brown of the Marion County Genealogical Society for our program next month.
- Dues for 2017 are due. They are $20.
- For elections, nominations were opened, and after no new nominations, Pat Owsley made a motion to accept the current officers for 2017, Faye seconded, and the motion carried. Officers are President, Dianne Miller; Vice-President/Treasurer, Treva Hood; Secretary, P.J. Gossett; and Board of Directors, P.J. Gossett, Ronald Jackson, and Jerry Lovett.
- P.J. mentioned that articles are needed for the next newsletter.
V. Program:
- None
VI. Attendance: 9
Meeting adjourned.