Tuesday, February 21, 2017
The Winston County Genealogical Society met at the Winston County Archives in Double Springs.
I. Minutes:
- Minutes from the last meeting were read.
- Pat Owsley made a motion to approve the minutes as read.
- Betty Hood seconded and the motion carried.
II. Treasurer’s Report:
- Beginning Balance: $3,143.70
- Deposits: $305.00
- Checks: $24.38 (Cindy Guthrie for Postcards From Alabama Book)
- Ending Balance: $3,424.32
III. Old Business:
- Ronald and P.J. will be going to the Old Hood Cemetery next Wednesday. Ronald has made pipe markers to place on the unknown graves there.
- Ronald and P.J. met with Andrew Miller from the Economist magazine. Mr. Miller’s article appeared in the Economist magazine on February 11, 2017. Another article was recently published on Winston County politics in Dailymail.com three days later.
IV. New Business:
- The Alabama Genealogical Society will have a spring seminar on March 25th at Samford University. Registration information can be obtained at the archives.
- New donations include a newspaper book from Robin Sterling on Lawrence County from 1876 to 1883; P.J. brought in two books on Mobile and a book on Alabama; Betty Hood donated a book titled Story of Alabama; Dianne found a family history book on the Noblett and Overton families; and Mary Jean Earnest donated a book titled Wayfarer. Also, the latest edition of the Marion County Genealogical Society newsletter is in.
- Delores Brooks nominated the WCGS a few months ago for a national and state DAR award. The society won "hands down," and Treva and Dianne will make a trip to the state conference in Auburn on March 10th to accept the award. We will see if Delores can come to one of our meetings and present the award and give a program on the DAR.
- Robert Davis from Wallace State will speak to us in May.
- There is a meeting to clean up Crooked Creek Cemetery in Marion County on March 11th.
- Some upcoming reunions are the Tucker on May 20th and James & Eliza Comeens reunion the 4th weekend in June.
V. Program:
- Randy Brown, President of the Marion County Genealogical Society, gave our program on early Alabama and Marion County history. The Alabama Bicentennial will be in 2019, yet celebrations are underway for the next three years. The MCGS will also have a presentation at Bevill State in Hamilton on October 13th and 14th this year and will also have a memorial service for the unknown soldier grave, most likely from the era of the construction of the Military Road.
VI. Attendance: 14
Meeting adjourned.