Tuesday, April 18, 2017
The Winston County Genealogical Society met at the Winston County Archives in Double Springs.
Minutes from the last meeting were read.
Jerry Lovett made a motion to approve the minutes as read.
Carolyn Hunter seconded and the motion carried.
Treasurer's Report:
Beginning Balance: $3,461.48
Deposits: $320.00
Checks: $338.76 ($134.40, AL Dept. of Rev. - Sales Tax; $70.56, USPS to Mail Newsletters; $58.80, Cindy Guthrie for Memorial for Pauline Watts; $75.00, Cindy Guthrie, Toner Cartridge and magnifying glass)
Ending Balance: $3,442.72
Old Business:
The Freestate Barn has been repaired.
New Business:
The Marion Co. Genealogical Society newsletter is here.
Glennis Posey has generously donated one box each of Wesley S. Thompson's "Freestate of Winston – A History of Winston County" and "Tories of the Hills". These are for sale at the Archives for $25.00 each.
We now have ancestry world for one year at a discounted price of $199.00. If we choose to keep it after that it will be the normal price.
Treva spoke last week for the Retired Teacher's Association. She asked them to be searching for yearbooks for all schools in the county for the Archives.
Cindy spoke last week at the Association for Retarded Citizens. She said they were very interested in family history.
Treva asked if the Society was interested in donating Books 1, 3 and 4 to each elementary school in the county to use during their 4th grade county history lessons. Jerry Lovett made a motion to do this and
Ronald Jackson seconded. The motion carried.
Tom and Loretta Bartlett donated $30.00 to the Society in memory of Darryal Jackson.
Robin Sterling donated a new book entitled "Newspaper Clippings from the Colbert County, AL Leighton News 1894-1903"
Dianne reported about the news article about the Republican meeting in which a letter from President Donald Trump was read expresssing his appreciation for the County's support.
This month's Spotlight on Family History highlights the Jones Family in honor of recently deceased member Pauline Jones Watts. Webster Jones, her great grandfather, came to Winston County from Pike County, GA, about 1905.
Robin Sterling expressed concern about the old Map Post Office building being in disrepair. This building is about 140 years old, he stated. He is going to try to talk to local people there to see if there is an interest in preserving the building. He is also going to talk to Houston residents to see about the possibility of moving it to the Old Houston Jail location.
Tucker Reunion is May 20th at Glen Allen
Hood Renuion is May 27th at the Park at Haleyville. Treva reported the Hood family is putting markers on all known graves at the Johnson Cemeteries in the Wilderness Area.
Taylor Family Reunion is May 13th at the Traders and Farmers Bank Building in Double Springs. The Archives will open from 10:00 – 1:00 for anyone wanting to research.
Robert Davis, Jr. will be our guest speaker in May.
Attendance: 11
Meeting adjourned.