Haleyville Hunters and Fishers Club, 1926. Photo courtesy of Bob Pasquil.
From the Northwest Alabamian's 1989 centennial edition:
An old record book in the possession of Clarence E. Miller, of Haleyville, reveals much interesting information regarding the organizing of the old Hunter and Fishers Club here nearly a quarter of a century ago.
The organization of the club was initiated by Mr. Miller to promote a movement to restock the forest with deer and to encourage the conservation of game and fish. This club which was composed of many prominent business and professional men of Haleyville operated for many years and accomplished much to preserve and protect the wildlife of this section of the state.
Minutes of the first meeting of the club follow:
"Haleyville, Alabama
Tuesday evening, Feb. 24, 1925
Oyster supper was given at Winston Hotel for the purpose of organizing a Hunters & Fishing Club. After a very enjoyable supper, house was called to order by Rev. V.C. Kincaid, as acting chairman and object of meeting explained. Motion was made that we organize a club to be known as the Haleyville Hunters & Fishers Club. This motion receiving a second, was voted on and carried unanimously. Next business coming before the house was election of officers.
Berry Shedd elected as president; G.H. Goddard, 1st vice-president; Rev. V.C. Kincaid, 2nd vice-president; F.L. Plaxco, 3rd vice-president; C.E. Miller, secretary; W.D. Fell, treasurer and O.B. Hall, attorney.A committee was then selected to draft rules and by-laws with C.E. Miller as chairman, Rev. V.C. Kincaid and J.C. Hyde. The following members were appointed as membership committee: G.E. Sisson, J.R. Duncan, W.M. Burnett, Ed Fuller, R.F. Jackson. Question was then put before house as to entrance fee and the next meeting night. All members voting that fee should be $1.00 per year with a nominal call assessment in case of emergency and that we should meet March 9 at the city hall with invitation extended every citizen of surrounding community to attend and line up with us in the movement of restocking and conservation of game and fish in our forests and streams.
The secretary was then instructed by chairman to have 500 membership cards printed and ready for meeting night, March 9."