Thomas Gentle's Claim

Submitted by Robin Sterling

Southern Claims Commission File


Thomas Gentle (3125) Disallowed

Items Claimed

Amount Claimed

Amount Allowed

Amount Disallowed

70 bushels corn



500 rails for firewood







To the Honorable Commissioners of Claims, (Under the Act of Congress of March 3rd, 1871), Washington, D.C.

The Petition of Thomas Gentle, a citizen of the State of Alabama residing at Littleville in the County of Winston and State of Alabama respectfully represents that, at the time the claim herewith presented accrued, he was a citizen of the State of Alabama residing at Littleville, Winston County, Alabama, that he was the original owner of said claim; that no other person or persons have any interest in or right or title to said claim or any part thereof; that he is a citizen of the United States and remained a loyal adherent to the cause and the Government of the United States during the war of the rebellion; that he was so loyal before and at the time of the taking of the property for which this claim is now made; and that said claim has never been presented to any Officer, Agent, or Department of the Government, nor to Congress, or to any committee thereof.

Of his own knowledge your petitioner avers and states the fact to be:

That on or about the 4th day of January 1865 while Col. Prosser’s cavalry command U.S. Army was camped near his house in Winston County, Alabama, the said command being then in pursuit of the Rebel general Hood’s pontoon train, there was taken from your petitioner for the use of said command the above specified property. Petitioner alleges that the weather was at that time extremely cold and disagreeable and that the rails above specified were taken off of the fences around his field and yard for the purpose of making fires for said command and that the said troops used them for that purpose because there was no fire wood near and it was absolutely necessary for their comfort.

Petitioner alleges that Col. Prosser gave him a receipt for said 70 bushels of corn, a copy of which is hereto appended and prayed to be taken as a part of this petition. The original will be produced on the hearing of this petition if required.

And your petitioner avers that the aforesaid articles were his property. That the same, as he believes were taken and supplied for the use of the Army of the United States; and that no voucher, receipt, or other writing was given therefor, except as is shown in this petition.

The premises considered, your petitioner therefore prays that he may be allowed the sum of seventy-three and 75/100 dollars as compensation for said property taken as aforesaid for the use and benefit of the United States. [signed] Thomas Gentle, Petitioner.

State of Alabama, County of Winston: Thomas Gentle being duly sworn, deposes, and says, that he is the petitioner named in the foregoing petition, and who signed the same; that the matters therein stated are true, of the deponent’s own knowledge except as to those matters which are stated on information and belief, and as to those matters he believes them to be true; and deponent further says that he did not voluntarily serve in the Confederate army or navy, either as an officer, soldier, or sailor, or in any other capacity, at any time during the late rebellion; that he never voluntarily furnished any stores, supplies, or other material aid to said Confederate army or navy, or to the Confederate government, or to any officer, department or adherent of the same in support thereof, and that he never voluntarily accepted or exercised the functions of any office whatsoever under, or yielded voluntary support to, the said Confederate government. [signed] Thomas Gentle.

Sworn to and subscribed before me at Littleville, this 3rd day of June 1871. [signed] J.M. Donaldson, Justice of the Peace.

To prove my loyalty I rely upon:

John Allen, residing at Littleville, Winston County, Alabama

John McDonaldson, residing at Littleville, Winston County, Alabama

The other matters I rely upon:

Mary A. McLain, residing at Littleville, Winston County, Alabama

Delilia Carter, residing at Littleville, Winston County, Alabama

My Post Office Address is Littleville, Winston County, Alabama

My Counsel are Messrs. Lewis and Fullerton, whose post office address is Washington, D.C.


Note: No other documentation was found in the file.
