Tribute of Respect for W.R. Cole

From The Observer, June 22, 1893
Submitted by Peter J. Gossett


To the Observer.

We, the undersigned to whom were intrusted the sad duty of drafting suitable resolutions in regard to the death of our brother, W.R. Cole, beg leave to submit the following:

W.R. Cole was born March 19, 1827, in Buncombe county, N.C.; was married in 1847, and moved to the state of Georgia, and from there he moved to Alabama, obtained a hope in Christ in the year 1867 [at Oak Grove on 10/17/1867]; joined the Missionary Baptist church, and preached the gospel twenty-one years. He died December 1, 1892, in the full triumph of a living faith.

Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God, in his dispensation of his providence, to take from our midst our brother:

Resolved, That we bow in humble submission to the sad bereavement, feeling assured that God doeth all things well; and that, though we mourn our brother's loss, our loss is his gain, in being taken from the shores and labors of time to the blissful realms of the supreme master and architect of the universe.

Resolved, That in the death of our brother the craft has sustained a loss, and the community has lost a good neighbor and the church a shining light.

Resolved, That we tender sympathies to the bereaved widow and family of the deceased brother, remembering that God doeth all things well, and may he give them that consolation and support which he alone can give.

Resolved, That in token of our respect and esteem for our deceased brother, the members of this lodge wore the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.

Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our lodge, and that the Winston Herald and OBSERVER be furnished with copies of these resolutions and requested to publish same, and also that the widow of the deceased be furnished a copy of these resolutions. All of which is respectfully submitted.

Newton Ingle,
W.R. Adkins,
Jno. S. Curtis,
S.M. McCollum,
R.H. Gains.
