William Thomas Williams
From the Advertiser-Journal, May 29, 1941
W.T. Williams, Lifetime Resident, Dies at 70. Winston County lost one of its most prominent and respected citizens Sunday (May 25, 1941) in the death of W.T. (Uncle Bill) Williams. Seventy years old, Mr. Williams spent his entire lifetime in Winston County. He owned considerable property, including a number of buildings in the business section. He served two terms as sheriff of Winston. Mr. Williams died Sunday morning between 11 and 12 o’clock, following a critical illness of two weeks. Although in poor health, he remained active until two weeks prior to his death. Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon at the Methodist Church on the Hill, with Rev. J.A. Manasco of Birmingham, Rev. C.E. Kaylor, pastor of the Church on the Hill, and Rev. W.T. Mims, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiating. Burial was held at the Littleville Cemetery. Pallbearers were Hershell Williams, L.B. Williams, Odie Williams, Grady Williams, Jeff Robinson, J.T. Sutherland, John Williams, and Jess Williams. Survivors are his wife; four sons, Hershell, Grady, and L.B. of Haleyville and Odie of Double Springs; four daughters, Mrs. Ophelia Bonds, Mrs. Lizzie Robinson, and Mrs. J.T. Sutherland of Haleyville and Mrs. Wilena Little of Brewton; 30 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; two brothers, John of Bankhead and Jess of Sheffield; and two sisters, Mrs. Liza White of Cullman and Mrs. Mary Fuqra of Arkansas. Mr. Williams was born April 6, 1871 in Winston County. He joined the Free Will Baptist Church as a young boy. He married Miss Mary O’Delia Hodge at Addison when he was 21 years old. After farming four years, he went into the general mercantile business and was appointed postmaster at Addison, which position he held for 6 or 8 years. He resigned to run for sheriff and was elected in 1906, moving to Double Springs where he opened a business. He was elected to his second term as sheriff in 1914. Mr. Williams moved to Haleyville in 1917 and went in business, remaining until his health got too bad. He has lived in Winston County all of his life